Meet Duncan

Meet Duncan, my newest addition to our little farm.

I have been wanting to get rabbits for a long time but things had never worked out. I had especially wanted a California rabbit and was so excited when I found him on Craigslist.

We almost weren’t able to buy him because someone else was interested but the other person found another rabbit they wanted more. The seller was going to show him but he wasn’t qualified because he has his tattoo in the rong hear. He is five months old so he will be getting a little bigger.

In the future the plan is to get some female rabbits but Duncan will always be my special rabbit because he is my first one.

I hope you enjoyed this post and these pictures made you smile.


~Lizzie 🌻

Review of 2023

My dad put together this video of some of the pics he took this last year. I thought I’d share it with you all. It will give you a decent idea of how my year went. I hope you enjoy it!

How did your year go? I’d love to talk with you in the comments!


~Lizzie 🌻

My Top Favorite Books I Read This Year!

First up I have to put this series as my absolute favorite series I’ve read in my life!!! I can not tell you how much I LOVED these books!

“Of The Stars” by P.D. Akterson!

These books will make you laugh……and shred your heart into teeny, tiny, little iddy biddy, pieces and than somehow glue it all back together again! GO-READ-THESE-BOOKS-RIGHT-NOW!! That is an order! You have to trust me on this one!

Next up is….dun dun dun! “Aka Simon Lee” By P.D Akterson!

LOVE LOVE LOVE, these books!

Next! “Castling” by P.D Akterson

Next up is….”The False Prince” by Jennifer A. Nielsen!

Next! “The Minstrel” by Malachi Cyr

Next! “Kiera” by Kate Willis

Next! “Priery” by Chautona Havig

Next! “Fireproof” by Eric Wilson

Next! “Killian Young ” by P.D Akterson

Next! “T.H.E.Y” by P.D Akterson

Next! “Do Hard Things” by Alex and Brett Harris

Next! “Scattered Petals” by Amanda Cabot

Next! “Deadlock” by (surprise surprise) P.D Akterson

Last but not least!! “A Different Kind of Courage” by Sarah Halman!

I enjoyed a lot of books this year but these were my top favorites! If there is even just one book in this list that you have not read, GO AND READ IT RIGHT NOW!

What books did you enjoy this year? I’d LOVE to hear about them in the comments!


~Lizzie 🌻

Sheep update!

Hey guys!! I’m back! I am really sorry that I haven’t been posting but here I am once again!

So last time I posted about my sheep we only had about five but now we have 22!! I can not wait to show you guys all of my new sheep!!

We are still working on growing our herd but here is what we have so far! Most of these sheep are yearlings and have never lambed before.

These two little boys are our newest addition to the herd! I can not get over how adorable they are!

This is Dorothy and she is one stubborn ewe! She has looked ready to lamb for the last two weeks! I’m hoping for three lambs from her but am expecting two. I can’t wait till she finally lambs!!

I just thought that this picture of this little Lamb chasing our cat was too cute!

I know this post was rather short and didn’t really give you an update on what is going on in my life but I’ll do one of those later.

I hope you guys enjoyed these pictures of my sheep! Do you have sheep or even goats? What kind of pets do you have? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!




Hey guys! So I’m just gonna tell you. This morning I was trying out new blog themes. I hadn’t changed mine since I started my blog and finally decided to do it. BIG MISTAKE!! I am horrible at computer stuff! Somehow in the process I got so mixed up that I quickly went back and put my old one back on thinking that everything would be as it was before. WRONG!! Somehow I deleted my home page, so I rewrote it but SOMEHOW my home page and Blog Posts page got switched. So now my posts are showing up on my Home page and my Home thingy is showing up on my Blog Posts page! I have literally been sitting here for hours (wasting my time) trying to figure out how to fix it. I have made no progress. I am now turning to my fellow and more experienced bloggers because I NEED HELP!! If you don’t know what to do that’s fine but at least you know about the mix up! 😅

Thank you guys!



1 Year Blog Anniversary!!

Hey guys! That’s right, this blog has been going for one year! I will be making a change for this next year so stick around.

Blog progress

39 subscribers


27 posts


Seen by 16 different countries

I want to thank all you guys so very much for your support and friendship! ❤  Without you guys this blog would not still be going!

Ok, so now for the change. I will only be posting once a month. I know that is basically what I have been doing for the past little while, but I was still trying to do it weekly. It’s just not realistic for me to try and do it every week. I might sometimes post more than once a month but probably not that often. 

Hopefully I will be back next month for a life update! We are going to the US for two weeks to visit supporting churches and to help my grandparents with wheat harvest! We go once a year, and always look forward to it. If you would like to hear about it, come back next month for lots of pictures! 

Also I turned 16 last month!

My sister Rosy and me on my birthday! ❤

Thank you guys so much 💛💛



Friends and Fellowship

Hey guys, I’m back! I know I haven’t posted in like a month and I’m sorry but here I am again.

This month has been so crazy and in a lot of ways has been so amazing.

Last week a group of friends from Arizona came for a visit. We had so much fun together!

We have a lot of pictures to go through so let’s get started.

On their way to our house. Dad and Rosy went to El Paso to pick them up and drive them the rest of the way.

The group got here at about 11:00 pm. We talked for awhile before going to bed.

Breakfast the next morning. That first day we all just hung out, played game and had fun.

Playing telephone in the hallway.

playing four square in the church building.

While making Naan bread Asher (one of our friends that came) decided to get creative and make a naan bread scalper of Andy. And please don’t ask why Andy has a mustache drown on his face…….

I think it was pretty accurate. It sure caused a lot of laughter!

Deanna and I playing the most embarrassing game of Chess ever. Needless to say I am no good at the game and lost big time.

On Saturday we all went up to Juan’s house for the day.

We had butchered a goat the day before they got here to eat with friends at Juan’s house.

We also went hiking while we were there.

On our way back home.

On the last day we went to a place that over looks the city.

They left early Tuesday morning. It was extremely hard and sad to say goodbye! We had had so much fun together! We don’t have friends from the US come very often so them coming was really encouraging for all of us! I just want to thank them so much for coming down here to see us!

Thank you guys for sticking it out all the to the end. That sure was a lot of pictures!


~Lizzie 🌻

Kidding Season!

Every year about this time our goats give birth. This year has been a little complicated, including the kidding season. And this is why.

Last year we bought this little billy goat kid with the intention of raising him to use for our billy last year. After a little while of him being in with our does, it seemed like he just wasn’t doing his job. This was a little frustrating, we had never had this problem before. Autumn was going to end soon and then we would have to wait all year to breed our goats. So we searched for another billy. We wanted a Boer goat to add some meat goat genes into our flock. After a little while of looking we found this really nice quality Boer billy of about a year and a half. We bought him and put him in with the girls on October 31st. Later then we normally breed our goats. This put them to kid in April. 

So we were all shocked when our goat Edelweiss had triplets on February 24th!

And then Dawn had a kid on the 26th! So Apparently that first Billy hadn’t been quite as lazy as we had thought.

We are still waiting on three goats to kid, so I think that they have been bred by our Boer Billy. 

⬆️ Tod,

⬆️ Toby,

⬆️ Candy,

⬆️ Mini,

So far pretty much every aspect of this year has been a bit complicated but that’s what makes life interesting. If you could predict the future there would be no excitement, no surprises and no fun!

I can’t wait for the rest our other goats to kid! I am always looking forward to this time of year!

Do you have goats? If so let me know in the comments.


~Lizzie 🌻

Update on Andy

Apparently Andy was more injured than we had  originally thought. When he first went to the hospital the doctors hadn’t really checked for any internal injuries. 

After a day or two Andy started to run a high fever and we didn’t know why. So mom and dad took him back to the hospital. They had to go to three different hospitals before they found one with an available doctor. After getting a cat scan he was immediately put into surgery. His Spleen had ruptured and so they had to take it out before Andy bled out. Since we got him to the hospital in time he only lost one and a half liters of blood. He is home now and recovering well. 

Thank you all so much for your prayers! 


~Lizzie 🌻

The Accident!

At around 3:30 pm on Monday, a police car showed up at our house. A neighbor had given them directions to where we lived. They said that a boy on a bike had been hit by a pickup truck. Another neighbor came to the house and said that it was my brother Andy. 

We could see the accident from the house. There were three police cars, two ambulances and a lot of people and vehicles. We were terrified! Mom immediately left, dad wasn’t home. Us kids stayed at the house not knowing how serious it was. Or even if he was dead or alive. 

It wasn’t untiI that night, after they got back from the hospital that we heard the whole story. 

The neighbors were burning their yard and Andy had stopped on the side of the road to watch. The police were also stopped about 30 feet away watching too. Apparently, a guy driving a pickup was watching as well and forgot to look where he was going. He veered off the road slamming his mirror into Andy’s back. Sending him slamming into the pickup then to the ground. The driver pulled out and took off. The police saw the whole thing. They called the ambulance, and then caught the guy. After getting caught he tried to shift the blame onto Andy, saying that he was on the road when it happened. But since the police had seen the whole thing they knew that it wasn’t true.  

After that mom showed up and he was taken to hospital with the ambulance. 

He is home now and in a whole lot of pain but will be okay. If he had been just a few inches to the side he would have been hit with a little more than a mirror. We praise God that it wasn’t as serious as it could have been!

Yes, we started this week on a less than ideal note. I am slightly scared to find out how the rest of the week will be. But I know that God is in control no matter what happens next.

Please pray for Andy’s recovery.
