Q&A! Answering Your Questions, Part Two

If you could live in any time period and be any individual in said time period, when and who would you be?

Girl, this is a hard question. If I could live in any time period I’d live in the 1950s or 60s but I can’t think of any specific person to be. Oh wait! I could be Amelia Earhart so that I could know what happened to her!! Actually, she was a little before the 1950s….or I could live in the late 1800s and early 1900s and be Annie Oakley…..Or, I could be Luora Ingels!

If you could take any unhealthy food and make it magically healthy, which food would it be?

If it tastes the exact same I might pick rice crispy treats. I have made them healthy but the marshmallows keep soaking into the rice crispys…..

What challenge in your life has shaped you the most? 

Lymes was definitely something that broke and shaped me in a way nothing else could have.

Those some great questions Grace! Thank you so much!

What’s your favorite Bible verse? 

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” Psalms 16:8-9

What’s your favorite summer dessert? 

Well, my favorite dessert is rice crispy treats but there is nothing like ice cream on a hot summer day! 

Thank you so much for the question Victoria! 

What’s your dream job? Why?

I would like to be a midwife, a doula or an online Barton tutor. All these job ideas require interacting with people which is something I enjoy. Also I think I’d be good at them. The thing is picking which one…..

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

To be anywhere I wanted to be whenever I wanted to!

Favorite story about something the Lord did in your life?

After my sister moved to Colorado this year I was really struggling with loneliness. Rosy is my best friend and I was always so used to having her right there. So it was (and still is) really hard for me having her gone. When I was struggling God brought some girls closer. Two from Canada and the other just with more opportunities to be with. I am thankful for your friendship Amelia, Katie and Lena! I thank God that he provided friends for me when I needed them the most. 

Do you prefer cooking or baking?

Ooo. I love baking! It’s one of my favorite things to do! Cooking is fun too but I prefer baking. 

What do you want to be known for?

I want to be known for loving Christ! For pointing people back to God. That is what I want most in life! I want to bring glory to God in all I do and I want that desire to show. I want that to be what people think of when they think of me! 

Awesome questions Kaley! Thank you so much! 

Wow guys! These two post have been so much fun! Thank you all for reading and especially for asking questions! Honestly I was kinda scared doing a Q&A because I keep thinking about how  awkward it would have been if I was like “I’m doing a Q&A! ” and then no one asked questions and then I’d have to be like “ok then….no Q&A guys!” But y’all came through so thank you so much! 


~Lizzie 🌻

2 thoughts on “Q&A! Answering Your Questions, Part Two

  1. Haha, I had to laugh at the last bit. I’ve always wondered about doing a Q&A but having no questions submitted. I didn’t submit any this round, but I always enjoy reading your posts, keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you so much! This comment made my day! I’m so glad that you enjoy my blog!
      If you decide to do a Q&A I’ll be sure to submit some questions!


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